Just as Harry Potter learned in the fourth book that he could accomplish much more with the help of his friends than without, Buffy learns that same lesson at the end of Season 4. The parallels are endless! Anyways, we begin where last episode left off. Buffy told the Scoobies that she would go get help from the one person that she could count on.
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Oops. |
So where is Riley? Oh he’s kicking it with his new homeboy, Adam. Apparently Professor Walsh did put a chip inside Riley (I won’t point out how the thoracic nerve would in no possible way be able to control Riley’s behavior because if I start pointing out all the things that can’t happen well… you get the idea). So Adam activated this chip and is controlling Riley now. Adam tells him how they are brothers and together they will rule the world or some shit like that.
Spike shows up and talks about how he totally succeeded in his great plan.
Adam: That's how I want her. Where I want her is down in the
Initiative. (stops walking) She will ensure that as many demons die
as humans, she will achieve maximum carnage before she's too weak to
go on.
Spike: Right. The Initiative. But getting her there--that's what the
bleeding disks are for, isn't it? Our little witch gives her the info
and pop--Alice heads back down the rabbit hole.
Adam: The witch.
Spike: Uh, Willow. (uses his hands to demonstrate height) About so
high, perky, good with math. Natural choice.
Adam: A friend.
Spike: Right.
Adam: One of the friends from whom you so efficiently separated her.
Spike: Damn right I did. You should've seen her. They won't be
talking to each other for a long, long--
Adam looks down at Spike.
Spike: Hang on. I think I might've detected a small flaw.
Back at the Batcave, Alfred Giles is quite hungover from drinking to dull the pain of being a lonely, middle-aged ex-Watcher. Willow drops by with Tara to get her laptop, Xander lies in his bed brooding (I think he got that from Angel), and Buffy packs up weapons after being sad over her friends’ separation.
In the creeper’s new lair, Adam is having fun with zombies. And demon-hybrids. Zombie-Forrest is all excited that Riley is back as his new play-toy. I’m with Xander on this one.
After a run-in with Spike, Buffy figures out that they’ve been had… by Spike. I really feel like the Scoobies deserve to be punished for being so dumb sometimes. Hey, kinda like Harry. Buffy gets everyone to gather at the college campus and Giles says what everyone is thinking.
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“I’m very stupid” |
Buffy figures out Adam’s evil plan and the breakdown goes like this:
Buffy: Those demons were just too easy to catch. It's like they
wanted in that place.
Giles: The Trojan horse.
Buffy: Adam's gonna make sure the demons attack the Initiative from
the inside.
Xander: Demons versus soldiers. Massacre, massacre.
Willow: And Adam has a neat pile of body parts to start assembling his
army. Diabolical, yet...(makes a face) Gross.
In order to defeat Adam, Xander comes up with the plan. That is not a typo; Xander really did come up with the idea that leads to the plan to take down Adam.
Xander: So no problem, all we need is combo Buffy--her with Slayer
strength, Giles' multi-lingual know how, and Willow's witchy power.
On their way down the elevator shaft to the Initiative, Buffy has a heart to heart with Willow and realizes how important her friends really are.
Oh and then they get captured by the Initiative.
With all your planning did you really think that the Initiative wouldn’t have like a camera or sensor in the elevator. REALLY?! Anyway, the military man thinks he knows everything like they tend to do. Buffy tells him that he doesn’t know shit, she’s the mother-fucking Slayer, and he needs to back the hell off because she’s the bitch in charge. Or something like that.
Adam shuts down the power which release all of the demons from their containment cells. All hell breaks loose as do the Scoobies when the Initiative men try to arrest them. The gang runs off to find an area to perform the very tricky Adjoining Spell. Buffy goes behind 314 and has a sweet moment with her BFFs before she goes:
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Xander: Buffy, I still don't like you going in alone. Buffy: I won't be. |
Buffy breaks into the lab and begins to fight Zombie-Forrest on Adam’s command while Willow begins the spell with Xander and Giles. Forrest is totally kicking her ass so Riley fights against the chips control and does this:
EW and AWW. |
Look guys, I can do magic now! |
Buffy/Xander/Willow/Giles: You could never hope to grasp the source of your power. But yours is right here.
After destroying the uranium power-core with a super awesome spell, Adam is dead and Riley joins Buffy to celebrate and do a happy dance. Rest of the Scoobies are drained after performing the spell and when a demon gets through their barricade, in comes Spike to save the day!
Spike: Nasty sort of fellow. Lucky for you blighters I was here, eh?
Giles: Yes, thank you. Although your heroism has been slightly muted by the fact that you were helping Adam to start a war that would kill us all.
Xander: You probably just saved us so we wouldn't stake you right here.
Spike: Did it work?
They all get up.
Spike: Well, then everything's all right. And we all get to be not staked through the heart. Good work, team.
The Scoobies rally together to finish off rest of the demons. The military men talk about what an utter failure the Initiative was. And just like the government, they abandon everything and are supposed to fill it in with concrete, but never do. But yay! Buffy and the gang saved the day once again! Well, that wraps up Season 4- wait, there's still one episode left? But the Big Bads were defeated, everyone lived happily ever after, what else is there? Only one of the best Buffy episodes EVER MADE!
Sarah's Notes
WORK SUCKS AND MAKES IT SO I CAN'T POST MY NOTES! I don't have them now, so instead I'll just....I don't know. I'm too tired. Simple sentences for now.
This episode rocks
I <3 Buffy and Willow's comversation
Everything about this is made of win
Spike made me giggle
Willow is hot
Woohoo! You know I'm looking forward to the next episode. ;P Yay, Wits!