Sorry it's a bit late, but it's here now so all can rejoice!
"The WIsh"
We open with Willow trying to help Buffy kill a demon, but what kills a demon? “Oh nerf! Not nerf, knife!” Thanks for clearing that up for us, Will. After they kill, Xander asks if they're done for the night and tells Buffy how he doesn't understand why Oz and Cordelia are so upset because they are the ones that can barging in to save them without even knocking! Buffy responds to this in the very best way possible:
“Your logic does not resemble our earth logic” –Buffy
Buffy, Willow, and Xander all discuss the woes of their love lives while eating their lovely picnic and I get irritated. Thank god it cuts to the opening credits soon after they all jump on the pity train...However, before the opening starts, we see Cordelia cutting up and burning pictures of her and Xander while listening to his phone messages and crying. Now I really am ready to be done with the woes of teenage love lives.
Cordelia is good at the whole you-cheated-on-me-now-I’m-going-to-look-insanely-hot thing. She comes to school dressed in a really hot nice dress and is ready to show Xander what he's missing! She first goes and finds Harmony who introduces her to Anya. Harmony tells Cordelia she should start dating again so everyone forgets about the temporary insanity she had by dating Xander. Harmony says she knows the perfect guy for her...
Must hold off from ranting right now...
Away from Cordelia, Oz is amazing! Willow finds him and pleads to be able to talk and have her side be heard and he says the most perfect thing ever. “Look, I’m sorry this is hard for you. But I told you what I need so I can’t help feeling that the reason you want to talk is so that way you can feel better about yourself. That’s not my problem.” I. Freaking. Love. Oz! As much as I hate to see Willow upset, he's totally right. The only reason she wants to talk right now is so that way she can be forgiven and feel better about herself. Oz is in no place to listen to her so by telling her this he's hurting her now but making it so that way he has space before talking allows him time to go from emotionally hurt Oz to stoic and rational Oz which gives Willow and better chance at repairing their relationship.
Cordelia sees Xander and runs to this guy whose name I forgot so we'll just call him Dick. Cordelia asks Dick to see if there's something in her teeth so that way it loks to Xander that she's kissing him, which is smart. However, after Dick tells Cordelia how he's already hurting his rep by getting put down to second string and the last thing he needs is to be seen with Xander's regect but he'll be happy to meet her somewhere privately! Dick is a--well, you know...
Anya goes to Cordelia and tells her that “if [Harmony] had an original thought, her head would explode." They begin to hang out. At the Bronze, Cordelia and Xander make me giggle by pretending everything is funny and they’re over each other. Buffy and Willow just staring at Xander is priceless.
AX is stupid. Buffy and Willow feel bad for Cordelia and think they should pay for what they, meaning AX and Willow, did and AX says he’s done with that and he’s going to enjoy life and heal. Buffy and Willow agree and then realize that it isn’t working so Buffy goes to get chocolate
Buffy see Cordelia go outside and goes to talk to her. Obviously a vampire shows up and pushes Cordelia into the garbage. Aaaand Cordelia blames Buffy’s existence in Sunnydale for all of her problems. NOW I HAVE TO RANT! I feel really bad for Cordelia but almost all of that is going away because of her actions. Yes, this situation sucks. AX hurt her, her friends were never really friends, etc. But Buffy is showing she cares; they may have just become friends because of her dating AX, but by going and offering to talk and giving her a shoulder to cry on, Buffy's showing she cares about Cordelia. And all Cordelia can do is blame Buffy for all of her problems. The reason for her problems has nothing to do with Buffy, instead everything that was right in her life has come from Buffy and the scoobies. RIght now it sucks because AX cheated but that isn't Buffy's fault. [/rant]
Cordelia complains to Anya about Buffy and Anya gives her her pendant. Then Cordelia wishes Buffy had never come to SunnyDale…
In weirdo land, everything is very different: the school has very little people, they have monthly memorials, the town has a curfew, everyone wears dull colors, the Bronze is taken over by vamps, students aren’t allowed to drive, etc. Cordelia is weirded out and runs into Xander. Even though Harmony told her that he was dead, she tells him about how they need to find Buffy and that she was supposed to be here. "Bored Now" Willow shows up (!!!) and her and Xander are all lovey dovey. Cordelia complains- "I wished us into bizzaro land and you guys are still together? I can't win!"
"Probably not, but I'll give you a head start."
Cordelia is saved by Giles and crew in a minivan. “Aw swell it’s the white hats” was anyone else expecting to hear vamp!Xander say browncoats instead of white hats? No one else, really? Okay, fine…
The Master tells vamp!Xander and vamp!Willow to kill Cordelia before she can get Buffy since “the plant” will be opening soon. *Concern*
Cordelia wakes up and tells Giles that Buffy needs to come back and questions why he’s there when he’s her Watcher. Xander and Willow make Giles watch as they kill Cordelia in front of him =(
Before Oz and Larry (wtf, Larry!) take Cordelia to the incinerator, Giles notices her pendant and takes it off of her to study. He then turns into Watcher!Giles as opposed to badass!Giles and tries to get ahold of Buffy and figure out what the pendant is.
Willow asks the Master if she can play with “the puppy." Apparently, this puppy is Angel, whom Willow licks and then tortures.
“That’s right puppy, Willow’s gonna make you bark.” Willow is so hot
Lol “Cordelia wished for something? Well if it was a long, healthy life, she should get her money back” – Oz
In which Giles is a badass and saves a handful of people from becoming vamp food. Then Buffy saves him, and has a major attitude.

Buffy comes back into town looking as I imagine Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games would look and act. She has an attitude and tells Giles she doesn’t play well with others. She's cold and uncaring and rash. She was always rash, but the cold and uncaring make her rashness very scary. Back when she was amazing Buffy we all knew and loved, her kindness and love for her friends kept her from acting too fast. Now, she has no concern for what Giles is pointing out to her about the danger and decides to go to find the Master and stake him.
Buffy goes to the Bronze and finds Angel. Angel tells Buffy that he was supposed to help her. Buffy is very cautious, but ultimately decides to allow Angel to help her. Her cross touches him and Buffy freaks out knowing now that she almost trusted a vampire. Angel shows her his chest and tells her to “believe he wants him dead."
Giles summons Anya while Buffy and Angel witness The Master's new toy. He put a girl into his contraption and I become very grossed out:
Ew >.>
While Giles and Anya are talking, we watch the scene of the fight. Angel gets staked and Buffy walks through him as he turns to dust without a care. Buffy stakes Xander. Willow gets thrown into a piece of wood by Larry and Oz. Buffy goes to face the Master who has just slid down the railing like a teenage boy and just after the Master snaps Buffy’s neck we see and hear this important part of their conversation: Anya: How do you know the other world is better than this? Giles: Because it has to be. (Favorite Lines) And the spell is reversed.
The world goes back to normal and Cordelia gets excited about wishing evil upon the scoobies while Anya freaks out over her wishes not being granted by her. We end on a happy note, watching Xander, Willow, and Buffy talking together on a park bench without a care in the world except for all the cares that they do have including fixing their love lives and saving the world from evil.
Kali's Notes:
- I still don't get the Willow/Xander relationship. I feel cheated. I feel like there is no proper closure to them splitting. Again, I am annoyed at what really just comes down to lazy writing. They try to play it off that Willow and Xander were just lusting after each other, but that's honestly a lame excuse. Dear Joss, I demand a better explanation. I understand them feeling bad and maybe wanting to choose their current boyfriend/girlfriend, but I just think their deeper feelings for each other were ignored.
- Anya, like several other characters, was only meant to be a one-show character. We get to know her slowly over the seasons, but I already like her. She's got spunk.
- I'm sorry, but I don't feel bad for Cordelia. There's a thing called karma, and it's finally come back to bite her in the ass.
- "Bored now." I love that Willow line so much. I think it or say it at least once a day.
- I have to admit Vamp-Xander is pretty hot. For that matter, Vamp-Willow is pretty hot too.
- I like that Larry is fighting for the good guys.
- Willow, Xander, Cordelia three-way with Giles watching? I think I read a fic like that.
- Now Willow tortures Angel the "puppy" while Xander watches. This episode is just filled with erotica. Joss really seems to enjoy writing situations that are extremely sexual without the actual act of sex.
- Did you notice that Giles is wearing his old glasses from Season 1 and 2? It's that attention to detail that makes me love this show.
- Giles: I have to believe in a better world.
Buffy: Go ahead. I have to live in this one.
I feel like this could be said for so many things.
- I enjoyed this episode because it was a look at what Buffy would be like without her friends and what they would be like without her. To go to the extremes of this point, in the end they end up killing each other with no remorse.
- Favorite Line Buffy: Your logic does not resemble our Earth logic. (Like I said, AX-logic makes my brain hurt.)
"I think I read a fic like that."
ReplyDeleteWIN! :D That totally just made my morning.
PML!!! (<--Okay, that was for Kathy.) ;P