Sorry again for the lack of post yesterday! Funny enough yesterday was also the birthday of our guest blogger, Matt Waitt! Matt is in normal text, Kali is in italics. Enjoy!
“The Prom”
The episode opens with Buffy at Angel’s snuggling in bed, talking about their relationship. She wants a drawer for stuff and she suggests that they get a mirror so that she can see fix her hair and make up if she spends the night, again. I have many questions. Why is Angel watching her sleep again? It’s not sweet, it’s creepy. And why does Buffy want to spend the night after Prom? To play checkers? And you’re a vampire that is burned by the sun, why would you put your bed in front of a window?!
Anya comes up to Xander, and talks to him about how she hates men, and needs a date to prom. “Men are evil, will you go with me?” she asks. Xander, of course says yes. AX says my second favorite line to Anya after this, “One of us is very confused and I honestly don’t know which.” Xander tells the group of his choice of Anya as his prom date saying it was either that or “The Sock Puppet of Love”. I really don’t want to know what AX is doing with that sock puppet.
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“He made me touch him in bad places. The things he made me do… I can’t even talk about it.” It’s okay Sock Puppet, we won’t let him hurt you anymore. |
Back at Angel’s mansion, there is a knock at door. Its Joyce, she talks to him about how different Angel and Buffy are. (Really Joyce? You just now take interest in this?) I’m with Matt here. Maybe Joyce should have addressed this I don’t know, THE SECOND YOUR DAUGHTER STARTED DATING A 243 YEAR OLD VAMPIRE.
At the library, the gang talks about the prom, and Giles mentions the Ascension. We find out that the Mayor is going to become a fully embodied demon, but they aren’t sure which one so he could become anything really. Oh, and Giles also has an incredibly hilarious line:
"And I myself will be wearing pink taffeta as chenille would not go with my complexion. Can we *please* talk about the Ascension?"
At some rundown shack, we see a cage. Inside the cage is some sort of demon…
In a dream scene, Angel and Buffy get married The ceremony ends with them walking into the run and Angel getting more and more nervous and ends with Buffy being the one that combusts. Angel wakes up upset. We see that Angel is starting to really feel like he is dooming Buffy by being with him. Do I need to point out AGAIN that you are just NOW having doubts about being a couple?
That night, Angel and Buffy track a vampire into a sewer. Buffy tells Angel he needs a tux, Angel counters with they have more important things, they bicker about the prom… Angel tells Buffy they need to talk…and he tells her that being a couple is unfair to her, and that he isn’t right for her, as a vampire. (Edward, Angel called, he wants to tell you how to do it the right way.) Side note: ANOTHER reason why Buffy is better than Bella- Angel breaks up with Buffy in a very similar way as Edward leaves Bella, but Buffy being kick-ass keeps fighting and keeps being who she is instead of curling up into a ball like a baby loser idiot anti-feminist portrayal of everything that is wrong with this world’s view of traditional gender roles.
They fight, and Buffy tells him she wants her life to be with him. Angel says that he doesn’t want to be with her. Angel tells Buffy he’s leaving after the ascension; as long as they survive he will be leaving. This is kind of like how a lot of high school couples break up around graduation so they can get their own shows go their separate ways.
The next day Willow and Buffy talk about what happened the night before, Willow tried to comfort her friend, but Buffy tells her that in the long run, Angel is right about a lot. Buffy breaks down, and Willow comforts her. I’m with Willow here, I know Angel is a centuries old vampire that doesn't get these things, but couldn't he have waited until AFTER prom? And now-*tears*
Buffy: I think horrible is still coming. Right now, it's worse.
Right now, I'm just trying to keep from dying.
Willow: Oh Buffy.
Buffy: (crying) I can't breathe, Will. I feel like I can't breathe.
Scene switch to creature in cage, it breaks out, and the scene switches to Cordelia in a dress store, Xander walks in to talk to her, and figures out that Cordelia is now working at the store. (Don’t you already have all the dresses? –all- the dresses?) Cordelia explains how her dad messed up his taxes so now they are poor. Suddenly the demon breaks into the store, and attacks a guy that’s wearing a tuxedo. The creature seems to just stop, with a quick glance from a guy holding a remote control. Not to be mean (okay I don't mind being mean to Cordelia), but that's karma. You'd think that having this stuff happen to her would make her be a little nicer to people.
Back in the library, they watch the video, where Wesley explains that the creature is a Hellhound, and it feeds off the brains of the victim. They see the guy in the video and realize he goes/went to Sunnydale. His name is Tucker Wells. Willow manages to get into his email, and she figures out that he’s planning to attack the prom. Buffy demands "No! You guys are going to have a prom. The kind of prom that everyone should have. I'm going to give you all a nice, fun, normal evening if I have to kill every single person on the face of the earth to do it."
Buffy tells Wesley to go to Tucker’s house and see what he can find out, he takes Cordelia with him. Willow and Oz go to find out what the guy Tucker was emailing knows, and Xander heads to the magic shop to see if anyone has been in for supplies to raise a hellhound. During this scene we also see AX cover for Cordelia saying she was shopping, not working, there. That’s one step closer AX. Buffy goes to the local meat packing plant (I mean does Sunnydale have everything?) where she finds out that a kid has been getting cow brains a couple times a week… the guy gives her an address, and she sees Angel getting some pints of blood. He notices her, and asks what she’s doing there, he’s surprised that he runs into her, (where do you get your blood? McPlasmas) they talk a bit. (Gotta stop a crazy from pulling a ‘Carrie’ at the prom) She tells him she’s over wanting one single perfect high school moment, then goes to leave. Angel offers to help, Buffy says she’s fine and leaves.
We go back to Cordelia, who is leaving work her co-worker gives her the dress she had on lay-away even though she didn’t finish paying for it, its somehow paid in full. After how bitchy Cordelia has been to him and shitty she has treated him before, during, and after they were dating Xander does something so selfless by buying the dress for her. He’s not trying to get back into good graces with Cordelia; he was just being a nice guy. You may now have your name back.
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I hereby pronounce you redeemed, Alexander "Xander" Harris. |
Back at the library the gang tells Buffy they find much. She shows them the address and tells them to all get ready for the prom, while she goes and takes care of the issue. She tells Giles to watch them. Buffy gets her supplies, and Giles figures out what’s going on with her and Angel. Buffy goes off to get Tucker. It’s sweet how Giles offers to get Buffy ice cream, but she replies "Kicking ass is comfort food". Slayers FTW!
Switch to the prom, people are dancing, Anya talks about some of her better vengeances, and Wesley and Giles talk about how odd prom is. Cordelia thanks Xander for paying off her dress, and she goes off with Wesley. Willow worries about Buffy, but Oz replies, "It's not gonna happen, you think Buffy is gonna let us down?" He is completely confident in Buffy’s abilities. How do you continue to get more and more awesome Oz?
Buffy meanwhile arrives, and realizes that there are three hellhounds loose, and not just the one they thought he had. She downs one with a crossbow, and the other two chase her… Buffy leads her away from the gym, until they hear the music from inside and head back into the school. She’s able to down one with a knife, and breaks the other’s neck. She drags them into the brush outside the school, and then changes, and finally, she ends up at the prom.
She comes in, and smiles to Giles then meets up with Willow and Oz. Senior Award’s are given, and class clown doesn’t go to Xander, he’s upset. Jonathan comes up on stage, and announces that they have a special award to give and ask for Buffy. Jonathon is the perfect person to give this speech. This scene makes me cry every time I see it, seriously, tears rolling down my face every freaking time and I’ve seen it at least 10 times now. He reads from a paper the following… (Favorite Line)
“We're not good friends. Most of us never found the time to get to know you, but that doesn't mean we haven't noticed you. We don't talk about it much, but it's no secret that Sunnydale High isn't really like other high schools. A lot of weird stuff happens here. But whenever there was a problem or something creepy happened, you seemed to show up and stop it. Most of the people here have been saved by you, or helped by you at one time or another. We're proud to say that the Class of '99 has the lowest mortality rate of any graduating class in Sunnydale history... we know at least part of that is because of you. So the senior class offers its thanks, and gives you, uh, this. It’s from all of us, and it has written here, ‘Buffy Summers, Class Protector.’”
Buffy finally gets the high school moment of recognition that she wanted since "Homecoming" but it’s not for something stupid, it’s for who she really is and for what she does for the world. *more tears*
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Buffy Summers- she saved the world a lot. |
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*ALL the tears* |
- Matt and Kali!
Sarah's Notes
-“(about staring at Anya's chest) Nothing personal but when a guy does that it just means his eyes are open” – Xander
-“(about her prom dress) Angel’s gonna lose it. But not his soul, he’s gonna lose his it…” – Buffy
-As the writers have said in the special features, love isn’t always enough to sustain a relationship. It’s a harsh reality that Buffy and Angel both have to face. And unlike Kali and Matt, I somewhat understand why Joyce and Angel haven't really said or done anything about it until now. I think high school relationships are very different than post-high school ones. Joyce probably assumed her and Angel would break up on their own and then when she realized Buffy was too far in to see straight, she knew it had to stop before she graduated high school and started college and ruined her future in order to have babies with Angel so he can bite open her uterus and--oh, that's the wrong story? Thank god; it needing to end though holds true for both relationships.
-Angel's gonna leave after the ascension! Buffy: “where?” Angel: “to my own show, it’ll last for 5 seasons and be totally awesome. You’ll even come on it a few times and see”
-Outside of the moment, Buffy realizes that he’s right. Willow acknowledges its true as well. I die of adorableness as Willow comforts Buffy.
-“Your impersonation of an inanimate object is really coming along” -Xander to Buffy
-“I understand that this kind of thing requires ice cream of some kind” I love Giles!
-Wesley: "Mr. Giles. I'd like your opinion. While the last thing I want to do is muddle bad behavior in front of impressionable youth, I wonder if asking Miss Chase to dance would..." Giles: "For God's sake, man, she's eighteen. And you have the emotional maturity of a blueberry scone. Just have at it, would you, and stop fluttering about. (walks away)" (Favorite Line)
-Jonathan's speech makes me cry as well. I just love how happy Buffy is and how proud all the scoobies are of her. Everything about this moment was just perfect.
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