In this episode, we see the consequences of several of our characters actions in previous episodes. We open on Buffy having a dream about drowning (the way she has almost been killed twice) and being pulled under by her guilt over the death of Allan. Once she reaches the surface, Faith pushes her back under. This is definitely foreshadowing how rest of this episode is going to go. Buffy wakes up, goes down stairs, and sees the Mayor on the news talking about the murder of his aide.
Now, Buffy and Faith are meeting with Wesley and Giles to discuss the murder. Wesley is convinced that it merits investigating while Giles believe it to be a matter for the police. The theme of Wesley and Giles disagreeing on everything will continue for several episodes. If it went any longer I’m sure we’d be hearing them argue over how to take their tea. In this scene, we also see Wesley and Cordelia meet and boy is there absolutely no chemistry between them. Yeah they flirt with each other, but no, not gonna happen.
Faith and Buffy talk in a classroom about the murder investigation. Faith does have a good point when Buffy says that they need to tell what happened, Faith counters with the fact that Buffy kept Angel hidden. Buffy doesn’t want to tell what happened because it’s the right thing to do; it’s more to get rid of her own feelings of guilt. I’m siding with Faith on this one. Yeah she totally messed up, but it was an absolute accident. I don’t think that merits her being thrown in prison.
Aww, now the Mayor is sad so he’s shredding papers to feel better. Mr. Trick informs him that things are pointing towards Allan being killed by a Slayer. Later that evening, Faith and Buffy sneak into Allan’s office to get more information on him. We really see how Faith is trying to bury any emotions she has about killing him. When she lets some emotion come through, she quickly covers for it and tells Buffy that she’s not going to “cry and hug”. Where Faith comes from, showing emotion is a sign of weakness so she’s been conditioned to keep everything hidden.
The Slayers finally learn that the Mayor is up to evil business when they overhear him talking to Mr. Trick. This is where shit starts to get real people. Faith and Buffy talk about the Mayor, but it’s very clear that what Faith says could apply to her as well, “It doesn't matter what kind of vibe you get off a person. 'Cause nine times out of ten, the face they're showing you is not the real one.”
Faith and Buffy reach their breaking point when they argue over everything that has happened in the last 24 hours and in all honesty I think they are both wrong. Buffy was too emotional over this. Yes, you should feel bad over killing someone, but she fails to understand that it was an accident and telling everyone what happened is in no way going to make things right. Faith argues that because they are Slayers that makes them better than everyday people so she should get a free pass because of all the people she’s saved. Sorry, not how that works either.
Buffy finally decides to tell someone about this guilt she’s feeling so she goes to her best friend Willow, who she happens to have been ignoring. Willow rants about feeling ignored until Buffy breaks down crying. Poor Willow thinks it’s all her fault, but Buffy explains to her everything that’s been going on and Willow convinces her to go to Giles.
Then OH SNAP, Faith tells Giles that Buffy is the one that stabbed the guy.
Of course, Giles isn’t fooled by this although he pretends to be. Giles being the smart, logical, sexy, man that he is, points out that this is just an accident and it has happened before. Giles also knows that this could be a breaking point for Faith so the situation must be handled delicately.
The Scoobies discuss who should and how to talk to Faith. AX feels like he should talk to her because they “connected”. Yeah, your dirty parts connected, but she doesn’t give a poop about you. And now Willow has a sad.
Again, this is why I hate how the Willow/Xander relationship was handled. Obviously they are residual feelings there if she gets this upset over AX sleeping with someone other than her. This reaction of hers isn’t even addressed so we understand why she is so upset!
Now AX always thinking he has a clue goes to talk to Faith on his own. Faith of course treats him like she treats most men, as playthings. But the kitty plays a little too intense and tries to kill her toy.
This next part is my favorite of this episode, mostly because Angel and Faith have such a dynamic relationship. Angel chains her up after he rescues his favorite person in the world, Xander. A lot of Buffy the Vampire Slayer can be studied from a sociological perspective. I really think that the Buffy/Faith relationship is one of those things. I can’t think of this term for how people can never truly understand those outside of their status role, but that’s how it is between Buffy and Faith. Angel on the other hand has a closer background to where Faith comes from. We really see that here when Buffy and Angel discuss Faith.
Buffy: She does. She just doesn't know how to say it.
Angel: She killed a man. That changes everything for her.
Buffy: (shakes her head) Giles said with counseling, they might not even need to lock her up.
Angel: That's not what I mean. She's taken a life.
Angel relates to Faith far more than Buffy ever could now. I wish that Faith and Angel would have gotten together now. Now those two have a connection.
But oh great, here comes Wesley to fuck everything up. Just as Angel is getting through to her, Wesley comes to take her back to England so the Council can judge her. Yeah, not even close to how this situation should be handled. I don’t blame Wesley though, he’s new and is just trying to do his job, it’s just a shame that he hasn’t learned enough yet to do it effectively. I really feel for him when he goes back to the Scoobies to tell them Faith escaped and he says, “What do I do? I want to help.” Poor Wesley never gets a break.
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Why does Joss Whedon hate me? |
Buffy goes to stop Faith from leaving at the docks. Faith starts to get to Buffy by telling her again how they are above the law. Then Buffy hits her. Seriously Buffy? You’ve gotta get control of that “hitting people is a way to solve all my problems” thing. Faith ends up staking Mr. Trick in order to save Buffy so we think that Faith has chosen to be on the good side. Wrong. She’s applying for a job at Evil Inc. as the Mayor’s new minion.
Favorite Line:
Angel: You can't imagine the price for true evil.
Faith: Yeah? I hope evil takes MasterCard.
- Kali!
Sarah's Notes
-Before we start with the episode, I must say something really nerdy. When Cordelia goes into the library to get books on Freud and Jung, I freak out because I actually know the theories they came up with in Psychology! Yay for school actually teaching me something before I graduate. However, on that note, she's going to be learning about Freud and that is irritating. I won't rant about Freud though. If you're curious, just google him and you'll find some of his theories on how everything about ourselves is determined before we turn 5 and you'll start laughing at some of the stuff he's come up with. [/nerdiness]
-I'm going to completely disregard my notes and just talk about Faith and why I feel bad for her. Bottom line: she's NEVER looked at as Faith, always as a second Buffy so to speak. Apart from Buffy, no one really tries to get to know her outside of a superfiscial level, I feel like. Part of the problem is obviously Faith's since she won't up herself up to anyone, but it's also because she probably doesn't feel like the Scoobies are a safe group to be open with because every Slayer that isn't Buffy is just the other Slayer to them.
It really sucks though because Faith is one of those people that needs validation but never asks for it, which is why she ends up going to the Mayor. He's her only chance to do something right and not be compared to Buffy (we'll even say later on how she reacts when he brings Buffy up when talking to her.) Faith and Buffy get each other on the Slayer level, but not outside of that yet. Buffy doesn't need validation because she gets it without asking for it. Faith on the other hand has no one. She comes to the show after her Watcher has been killed and she gives hints to abuse she's suffered from her family. She's dropped out of school and discussed with Xander and Willow how she wishes she had friends like them. Basically, she's got nothing apart from her Slayer powers and she gets no recognition for even being good at slaying. Faith is in a tough spot and it's understandable how she went so wrong.
-Last note: Did Willow look particularly hot to anyone else within this episode? No, it's just me? Are you guys sure, I mean look at her:
Favorite Line: "Don't cry, I'm sorry. I was too hard on you. Sometimes I unleash, I don't known my own strength" -Adorable Willow is adorable
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