Saturday, January 15, 2011

Season 2, Episode 12

“Bad Eggs”

In this episode I really like a lot of the subplots, but the main plot is pretty uninteresting. The whole “Body Snatchers” scenario has been played out time and time again, but at least this one comes with a good metaphor. However, this review will be short since I don’t many interesting things to say about this episode.

We start off the episode with Buffy and Joyce at the mall. Throughout this episode, Buffy’s slaying duties get in the way of her doing other things, which makes her look like an irresponsible teenager. From Joyce’s point of view Buffy is looking at boys instead of picking up something a store, sneaking out of her room, and wandering the school instead of being in the library. I can’t wait for the end of this season when Buffy finally tells her mother that she is The Slayer. She hints to it in this episode, but only in a joking way when Joyce asks if Buffy thinks about anything other than boys and clothes she replies “Saving the world from vampires?”

The main plot of the episode is addressed next, teenagers are hormone driven, sex crazed idiots. And because of this they tend to get pregnant. So all of the students are given eggs to take care of as their “children”. I like the parallel to Buffy not getting a partner and Joyce also being a single mother.

We also see how lustful everyone is this episode, with Xander and Cordelia constantly needing to find closets to make out it and Buffy and Angel INTENSELY kissing instead of hunting for vampires. A lot of this is setting up the next 2 episodes, where shit gets real. I know Buffy and Angel are together in cemeteries a lot because they are supposed to be hunting, but I like how this is hinting towards the fact that their relationship is doomed. From this encounter, Angel informs Buffy (and us) that he is sterile because he is a vampire. Suck it Stephanie Meyer!

I also need to mention the introduction of the cowboy vampires. I felt like this episode was lacking so they added in an additional set of bad guys. I do like that this seasons vampires are more interesting than Season 1. This time around we have punk-rock vamps, mentally unstable vamps, and cowboy vamps. And I know that these two cowboys are brothers, but is anyone else getting Brokeback vibes? Just me then?

Now we get into the “Body Snatchers” portion of the show. The eggs are weird little creatures controlling people to dig up the mommy creature. I have to call it a creature because I am incapable of thinking of it as a bezoar. As Snape said "A bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and it will save you from most poisons." Anyway, the only two that aren’t affected are Buffy and Xander. Buffy figured out what was going on and Xander boiled his offspring. It seems that the two worst “parents” of their eggs are the ones not taken control of by the creature. Interesting. Buffy chops up the mommy, all the babies die, and everyone lives happily ever after. Well, all but that last part.

Favorite Line: (after Buffy and Willow discuss her being absent from class and what the teacher said about it. Willow hands her an egg he told her to give Buffy) "As far as punishments go, this is fairly abstract."

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