“When She Was Bad”
I couldn’t figure out why I liked this episode so much until I realized it’s the fact that not much happens in it regarding bad guys, but much more goes in with character development. Last season, I felt like several episodes were drug out by having the main characters take way too long to figure things out with not much happening in between. Here we have the complete opposite. Very little even happens until the end regarding what/who Buffy has to fight, instead we learn how our characters have developed over the summer especially what has happened to Buffy since dying and defeating The Master.
We open on one of the cutest, sweetest moments between Xander and Willow. Over the summer things have been slow in Sunnydale on the monster front. Buffy has been in L.A. with her dad, Willow and Xander have been hanging out, and I’m sure Giles has been reading. We learn that without Buffy around, Xander is able to see Willow in a more romantic light. That doesn’t last long since a vampire ruins everything as always. Then Buffy shows up to save the day. Hooray! Oh wait, she’s kind of a bitch now.
While I am not a psychologist, it’s clear that Buffy is suffering with post-traumatic stress disorder. I’m pretty sure almost dying and facing against a super-powerful vampire will do that to you. Throughout the episode she is lashing out at her friends, is distant with her parents, physically smashes things, and is an all-around B-I-T-C-H. A bitca? She is the worst when it comes to how she treats Angel, but this again just goes to show how you can push away the ones that care the most when something is wrong. I have to say that she is right in one area "Being stalked isn't really a big turn on for most girls" Unless you are Bella, of course. Then she goes and dry-humps Xander on the dance floor, while everyone watches in disbelief and disgust. When Cordelia tells you that you are acting rude, you know you have issues.
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Favorite Line: "Xander, did I ever thank you for saving my life?" "No" "Don't you wish I would?" |
As for other characters, Giles is a bit less stuffy. We see his feelings for Ms. Calendar blossoming. He is being quite sarcastic to Principal Snyder. "I can smell it. It's like a sixth sense." "No, that'd be one of the five." He has also learned to be Buffy’s Watcher, not just the type of Watcher the Council told him to be.
Willow is still in early stages of change. We don’t see her come into her own until much later in this season. I do enjoy the fact that she is learning to play to her strengths. Like myself, she knows that she will never be “sexy” so we will try to play up the adorable as much as possible.
As for Xander, YOU ARE A BAMF. He is starting to develop real emotions. While Buffy is an admirable person to have feelings for; Xander’s feelings for her are based on lust. He starts to develop feelings for Willow here, but he’s still dumb and won’t realize it till much later. He still knows, however, that regardless of what type of love it is, he’s loves Willow and she is his best friend. He also shows that while he has a crush on Buffy, he doesn’t want the emptiness that comes with her dancing with him. He even seems a bit offended by it. His best moment is when Buffy rushes into a trap, comes back to realize that her friends were kidnapped, and Xander TELLS HER OFF. Not only that, but he threatens her, "If they hurt Willow, I'll kill you."
Angel is even growing into his own. While he is still acting alarmingly Edward-like (USE A DOOR AND STOP CRAWLING THROUGH HER WINDOW WHILE SHE SLEEPS, PERV!), he is still able to convey his feelings for Buffy in a healthier way. He tells her that he misses her. He gives her actual warnings instead of cryptic messages. And I love how he is the one to comfort her in the end.
Now, all of these things culminate in our showdown with The Anointed One and his cronies. They are attempting to bring The Master back with a ritual involving his bones and the people physically closest to him when he died. Again, I wouldn’t mind as much that The Master’s bones didn’t turn to dust, if we were told WHY. Also, when first watching this episode I thought 1. I am so over villains talking like evil preachers. And 2. The Anointed One is going to be The Big Bad for this season, which would lead to more of point 1. Thank you Spike for taking care of that problem.
Anyways, throughout the episode Buffy is lashing out at everyone because she is just looking for a fight. I may not have experienced what Buffy has gone through, but I think most of us can relate to feeling angry at the world so you start taking it out on people you love and just wish that you could punch something. Luckily Buffy is able to take out her aggression on a room full of vampires, then on The Master’s bones.
Her friends show that they understand that she was going through something, so they forgive her for it and continue on like normal. This got me thinking about how they are less forgiving in future seasons, but that really comes down to what this show is about: relationships. We delve into different types of romantic relationships, but the foundation is built on the friendships between characters. Friendships change over time, people grow apart- lots of things can happens, but that’s what makes this show so good. We get to experience our characters growing as people, which changes their relationships with each other. They learn how maintain their friendships and that makes their bond stronger. Joss, you are just so good.
Sarah's Notes
Nothing really profound to write about so I'm just going to add my random thoughts throughout the episode:
- She sent postcards from LA? That’s weird
-“Hi guys *slays vampire* miss me?” – Buffy. This line is amazing, she sounds like a total badass!
-If the vamps knew she was gone, it would seem like that’s when they would come out. Yet Buffy thinks they’re coming back when they know she’s returning which is completely insane.
-I love Giles and Jenny’s interactions while Principal Snyder talks in the background about how stupid teenage relationships are lol
-I think this episode contains the best training scene from the earlier seasons. Buffy looks like such a badass.
-I think "Buffy is a badass" is like the theme for this episode.
-“It wasn’t Xander! In fact it wasn’t my dream, it was a friend’s dream and she doesn’t remember”- Willow. (Favorite line)
-Edward Angel is still a creeper; lurking in Buffy’s window while she sleeps
-Gullible Willow is adorable
-“Oh yes, our own personal demons” – Willow. Love how Cordelia responds by loudly saying "no, the actual demons we fought before the summer." Seriously, Cordelia..?
-“Cordelia, your mouth is open, sound is coming from it, this is never good” – Buffy (Favorite line #2)
-“You don’t tell anyone I’m the Slayer and I won’t tell anyone you’re a moron” – Buffy. Cordelia was actually semi nice and Buffy insults her harshly...
-Lol at Willow trying to bring back the moment they had before Buffy came back by putting cream on her nose
-Poor Xander. Buffy is being totally mean to him. And to Angel. And to Willow. Damn, she’s good at living up to the title of this episode.
-I really love Cordelia here. She’s totally right and Buffy tunes her out which then causes her to be kidnapped by the evil vampires Buffy is destined to slay.
-Look how appalled Giles is by soda xD
-“Actually that would be one of the five” LOL Kali, your boyfriend is truly amazing.
-“They’re gonna cook her dinner?” LOL Xander that was one of the dumbest comments ever.
-I sense a pattern going on within the first episode of the first few seasons. Buffy is really grumpy and the scoobies are all mad at her.
-“If they hurt Willow, I’ll kill you” – Xander, I’m glad everyone appreciates Willow as much as I do <3
-The annoying one looks like an art major lol
-How did the fire not burn the large hammer..?
-LOL Ms. Calendar and Cordelia discussing stains
-These three are so awesome. I’m not sure which trio I adore more, HP’s or Buffy’s…
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