"I Only Have Eyes For You"
Sometimes when you are angry with someone you care about it’s not them that you are mad at, it’s yourself. We see that from Buffy throughout this episode. I’ve had my share of unhealthy relationships and bad breakups to know where Buffy is coming from when a boy asks to the Sadie Hawkins Dance and she replies that she isn’t dating…ever again. After a relationship goes bad, you just want to throw in the towel and give up on love completely.
We are then introduced to the theme of the episode early only through a conversation between Willow and Buffy. Willow is telling her to try dating again and be a little impulsive. Buffy responds with, "Impulsive? Do you remember my ex-boyfriend, the vampire? I slept with him, he lost his soul, now my boyfriend's gone forever, and the demon that wears his face is killing my friends. The next impulsive decision I make will involve my choice of dentures." We see right there how Buffy blames herself for everything that has happened. “I slept with him…” then everything she lists she is stated as an effect to her having sex with Angel.
Because of the Sadie Hawkins Dance, ghosts possess a male and female to act out an encounter between them. Buffy catches it the first time and is able to stop anyone from getting hurt. Principal Snyder blames her for what happened, although she obviously had nothing to do with it. Giles witnesses the second ghost possession, but is unable to stop it before the female teacher falls off the balcony. It’s quite sad how Giles gets it in his head, and then clings to the idea that Ms. Calendar is haunting the school.
I’m starting to not dislike Principal Snyder anymore. From his point of view, Buffy obviously is a delinquent (skipping class, always around when there is trouble, not a very good student), and he is aware that they are on the Hellmouth so he is just trying to maintain order. Although he obviously has a serious lack of training since everyone knows that YOU DON’T HAVE STUDENTS TEACHING CLASSES. Also, a little bit later the Mayor is mentioned to Principal Snyder, setting things up for next season.
Anyways, Willow is teaching the computer class. She must be so amazing at computers that she was able to repair the computer that Angelus smashed and burned since she states that she was able to look up Ms. Calendar’s lesson plans on it. Willow also mentions that she is starting to research magic. It’s usually in high school when girls become interested in magic, but don’t become full wiccans until college…
Things start getting crazier around the school. Teachers writing crazy things on the chalkboard, Buffy having day dreams, hands grabbing people… ok that sounds like normal high school stuff, but get this- Xander… he correctly defines something. I KNOW! I’m scared too. Giles says that this is all because of a poltergeist and is convinced it has something to do with Jenny. And don’t you dare disagree because Giles is invoking the “Nah nah nah, I am right and you are wrong” rule.
Willow discovers on her “laptop” that in 1955 a student James Stanley killed his teacher Grace Newman after she tried to break off their affair then killed himself. Then all hell breaks loose in the cafeteria, followed by one of the best moments of the series so far. Cordelia gets bitten in the face by a snake! That bares repeating. CORDELIA. SNAKE BITE. IN THE FACE.
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Karma's a bitch and so are you. |
We also see the mansion that Angelus, Spike, and Drusilla are moving into after Giles went all vengeancey and set their warehouse on fire. I’m 99% sure this is the same set that is used on Angel. Drusilla even mention jasmine growing in the back garden. Just saying. Drusilla has a vision about something that will weaken the Slayer, so Angelus goes to the school to… I don’t know… probably continue not trying to kill her.
With Willow’s research, they try to form a triangle in order to cast the spirits out. Each person is attacked respectively and after the spell finishes it doesn’t seem like it’s worked. The only thing it seems to accomplish is calling an infestation of wasps to surround the school.
Back at Buffy’s house she rants about “James” wanting forgiveness and not deserving it, but it’s clear to everyone that she is talking about herself.
Buffy: No. James destroyed the person he loved the most in a moment of blind
passion. And that's not something you forgive. No matter why he did
what he did. No matter if he knows now that it was wrong and stupid and
selfish. He's just going to have to live with it...
passion. And that's not something you forgive. No matter why he did
what he did. No matter if he knows now that it was wrong and stupid and
selfish. He's just going to have to live with it...
Because Buffy identifies so much with James, his spirit calls her to the school so she returns without telling anyone.
This time James’s spirit possesses Buffy and Grace’s spirit possesses Angel. They act this scene out extremely well. It cuts between Buffy/Angel and the real James/Grace. Joss stated that this is what made him think David Boreanez could have his own show. I honestly don’t think he was that great; I think it was Sarah Michelle Gellar that really carried this scene. When they get to the part where James/Buffy accidentally shoots Grace/Angel we see this scene play out, but Grace just so happens to be possessing someone that doesn’t die from gunshot wounds. Grace/Angel is able to meet James/Buffy in the music room where James went years ago to take his own life. The dialogue here is amazing because it applies to both couples.
Angel/Grace: Don't do this.
Buffy/James: Grace? But I - I killed you.
Angel/Grace: It's not your fault. It was an accident.
Buffy/James: It is my fault! How could I let this --
Angel/Grace: I'm the one who should be sorry, James. You thought I stopped loving you. But I never did. I loved you with my last breath.
The spirits leave their bodies and Buffy is left kissing Angelus. It’s sweet and sad when Buffy then asks “Angel?” causing Angelus to run off in disgust. Yet, Buffy realizes that Angel really did love her and that he would forgive her for contributing to him losing his would. After her talk with Giles, we see that she understands how one person can forgive another, but she still doesn’t really forgive herself.
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Angel? |
Now, this scene at the end, I just don’t get. Angelus and Dru go off hunting leaving Spike the cripple behind. First of all, don’t vampires heal way faster than humans so shouldn’t the others be suspicious that he’s healed by now? Most importantly, why is he faking at all? I might have forgotten the answer if it’s in the next few episodes (I really hope it is) because this just doesn’t make sense to me. I would think that he would want to prove to Angelus that we was able to take care of Dru and kick his ass as soon as he was able to. I guess we will see!
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Grab your diapers, shit is about to get real. |
Sarah's Notes
-Buffy wasn’t impulsive with Angel, but she feels she was since it went so horribly
-“You stink of lies” –Principal Snyder
-“I bet you’ll think coding pretty cool, I mean if you find two digit multi stacked conversions and number clusters a big hoot” –Willow (Favorite Line)
-“Despite the Xander speak, that’s a fairly accurate description of a poltergeist” –Giles (SO THIS WHERE PEEVES WENT WHEN HE WAS KICKED OUT OF THE MOVIES!)
-Does Giles ever go home? Or for that mater does anyone ever leave this school? By the amount of darkness it seems like the janitor/teacher fight happens around 9pm
-Giles thinks it’s Ms. Calendar and won't listen to reason about how it can't be; poor guy.
-“Okay so we can flip the ghost over when it turns all nice and brown” –Xander
-“I shall totally confront and expel all evil” – Cordelia
-"Try to have fun without me" -Angel. That line is perfect for Angel/Spike shippers!
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