BLOGSPOT LIKES ME AGAIN, GUYS! Here is the long overdue post for...
We open just where we left off: Riley and Buffy need to talk. Obviously, this means they decide to have a staring contest that last about 5 minutes.
After Riley loses, he asks the question every girl freams of being asked by a guy: "What are you?"
"Capricorn on the cusp if Aquarius, you?"
She tells him that she's the Slayer and he doesn't know what that is. This starts the main theme of this episode: can they or can't they? Buffy wants some time apart from Riley because she's afraid she'll have another Angel situation on her hands and she'll need to, at some point, stab Riley with a sword and send him to hell because she'll have sex with him and he'll go all evil and lose his soul and then the entire world will end. To sum up the situation, Buffy freaks out insanely.
And it's not just Riley that she freaks out about. There's also an earthquake and she freaks out about that too, just because she died the last time there was an earthquake. I mean, talk about overexaggerating!
The next scene we see the second issue dealt with in this episode: Spike's epic sadness and lack of identity. Living with Xander, he begins to feel as useless as Xander's been feeling. He's a vampire but everything that makes a vampire a vampire he can't do, so what does that make him?
These topics are too heavy, let's party and forget about all the woes of some of our beloved characters! GIF PART-AY!
This gif party is also a celebration of blogspot allowing Sarah to FINALLY post pictures!
At this awesome party, Willow runs into Percy and his date. They talk for a bit, until his
Willow then overhears Percy call her a nerd! And she gets upset so she goes to lay down next to dead 'I-have-a-weird-symbol-cut-into-my-chest' guy
Does this look like the CBS logo to anyone else?
*Spike shrunk his clothes and is dressed like a Hawaiian tourist
*Willow tells Buffy about the dead guy and the fact that Percy called her a nerd!
* "She's all-temperature Buffy" I enjoy liking Forrest. It won't last much longer
*Why does Willow not want to be a nerd? It makes me sad ;_;
*Apparently CBS is going to destroy the world
*Buffy tries telling Riley that she can't do this (meaning dating him) again. To which he says "Again? You dated me before?" Sorry, Buffy, but you're kinda talking to Riley, not Angel. I
Back to notes:
*Spike tries to stake himself
“Good bye, Dru. See you in hell.”
*Spike is awesome.
Willow: “We can’t leave him here like this! We’ll have to take him with us to the museum.”
Spike: “Oh, you go on. I won’t do anything. I feel better now. Promise.”
Xander: “Think of the happy. If we don’t find what we’re looking for, we face an apocalypse.”
Spike: “Really? You’re not just saying that?”
*"No, I mean you're stupid" Great start, Riley
Spike: “ I just don’t want pity from geeks more useless than I am.”
Willow: “We’re not useless! We – we help people. We fight the forces of evil!”
Spike: “Buffy fights the forces of evil. You’re her groupies. She’d do just as well without you – better I’d wager, since she wouldn’t have to go about saving your hides all the time.”
Xander: “That is no not true! We’re part of the team. She needs us.”
Spike: “Or you’re just the same tenth grade losers you’ve always been, and she’s too much of a softy to cut you lose.”
*"oh-as usual-dear" Giles owns the word of valios xD
*It's time to go back to high school, guys!
*Spike can attack demons without getting hurt
*Riley shows up!
*Riley puts a leash on Buffy so she can get back out of the hellmouth once she
catches the demon
*Spike's accent to throw Riley off is awesome
*“What’s this? Sitting around watching the telly while there’s evil still a foot. (Turns the TV off) That’s not very industrious of you. I say we go out there and kick a little demon ass! What, can’t go without your Buffy, is that it? To chicken? Let’s find her! She is the Chosen One after all. – Come on! Vampires! Grrr! Nasty! Let’s annihilate them. For justice - and for - the safety of puppies – and Christmas, right? Let’s fight that evil! - Let’s kill something! Oh, come on!” (Favorite Line)
OKAY, so now back to the main issues that we spoke of before!
1) Buffy and Riley: Buffy is very jaded and liked Riley because he was "normal." Now that she knows he's a commando, she's freaked and sees another Angel. However, on the other side, Riley, we can assume by his actions, isn't as jaded and sees this as another commonality between them. This dynamic changes when he runs into them all at the school and isn't cool secret agent guy with Willow and Xander. He can't come up with a good lie and they know who he is and that freaks him out. Basically, they both freak out about the idea of being in a relationship with one another and how the idea of them forming a "we" hurts his and her life as a "me."
2) Spike is just hysterical. As mentioned, he lacks an identity so he does every stereotypical thing to make himself feel better. He tries to commit suicide (and says goodbye to Drusilla, who dumped him, before the act!) and he tells Willow and Xander how useless they both are. In the end though, he finds his place when realizing he can beat up demons. They mention in the special features how Spike is just violent and wants to fight so he doesn't care that demons are the only prey he can attack now. This then becomes the foundation onto which Spike can rebuild an identity for himself. For once, not as a boyfriend, and as a fighter for "good."
Kali’s Notes:
- Spike and Xander also make quite the odd couple. Xander telling him to do laundry and do his part around the house is freaking classic. Spike trying to hit him with a wrench afterward is also hysterical.
- "Don't turn around... don't look at me"
- "It's just doomed" Buffy's reaction to finding out that Riley works for a secret government agency is both good and bad. It's good that when she recognizes that a possible relationship is most likely doomed, she actually walks away from it for once instead of running towards it with arms wide open. However, this time she is actually mistaken. Yes there will be difficulties with this relationship (but that can be said for any and all relationships) and yes Riley isn't the "average Joe" that you thought he was. But really, he is much more suited to deal with who Buffy really is than the average man anyway. Truth is, Buffy is afraid so she's trying to run when things get real.
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- Spike trying to stake him self is actually pretty funny. One, he's not very smart or isn't serious about wanting to die. It's daylight out. You could totally just walk outside and die, I'm just saying. I do feel bad for Spike though. He's going to be dealing with this for a couple seasons- he's not a man, but he can't be a vampire. Plus, he's worse off than Angel because he doesn't have a soul so he still has all of his vampire urges but without a conscience holding him back, just one of those zapper dog collars.
- "There's nothing more dangerous than a Psych grad student." You hear that Sarah?
- Man I love Riley here. He isn't afraid to tell Buffy how it is. He's willing to fight for her because he thinks she's worth it and that she is just afraid. Spot on, Riley.
- Fun Fact: The page where Giles discovers the picture of the Word of Valios contains verses from Ezekiel 30 of the King James Bible edition.
- Spike may not be able to physically hurt people, but he can sure enjoy inflicting emotional pain like he's so good at. We see him do this throughout the season. Without Cordelia, he fills the role of pointing out all the things that are wrong or stupid (as does Anya).
- Aww, Xander rescues Spike. Not only are they keeping him from killing himself, but he actually SAVES HIM.
- After Spike discovers that he can hit demons, this renews his will to go on and now wants to fight evil and save the day. "For justice and for the safety of puppies... and Christmas! Let's fight that evil! Let's kill something!... Oh, come on!" This all pretty much translates to: "I need to work off all this sexual frustration by beating on something besides myself".
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