Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Episode 6: Family

Goof afternoon, we're gonna have a great post today!

Welcome to our first Tara centric episode. If this isn't cause to celebrate, I don't know what is! Buckle up and enjoy the ride.

Season Five, Episode Six 

We start with story time! "Okay. Once upon a time there was...um... a kitty. She was very little, and she was all alone and nobody wanted her. [...] one day the kitty was running around on the
street and a man came and swooped her up --
and took her to the pound. And at the pound there were lots of other kitties, and there were puppies, and some ferrets."
Wanna guess who the kitty is? Anyways, let's not get ahead of ours or we'll miss the adorableness of Willow and Tara. 

Tara asks Willow if she can leave the light on and Willow pouts and says that she doesn't need to be snuggled to which Tara calls her a vixen. 


Tara explains that she's been working on spells to keep up with Willow and to be useful since she never feels useful. Sadness. Willow tells Tara that she's essential though and then they snuggle and are adorable once more. 

Back at Buffy's, she's telling Giles about the fact that her sister is a ball of energy. I believe this is pretty high on the list for weirdest things someone could ever need to tell you. Giles suggests sending Dawn away somewhere to keep her away from super strong, high heel wearing bitch's sight. Buffy asks where and he responds by suggesting her dad's. And we learn some nice information about dear ol' Mr. Summers: "He's off in... Spain or something, with his secretary. Living the cliché. I called when Mom got sick, he hasn't even... You know when he bailed on us, I remember Dawn cried for a week. Except she didn't. She was never there, but I can still feel what it was like."

From here, we see how well the monks thought out this placement and all they did to Buffy's life. They constructed memories which in turn elicit emotions. Last episode, it was Willow's having involuntary empathy for Dawn and now Buffy not only knowing, but wanting to care for her. 

They end up deciding not to tell the others though, for fear that they'll act weird around her. This would be a good plan if Dawn weren't a teenager who is going to become nosy and snoop until she gets this information, anyways. So let's see how long this secret plan will last... 

Next we learn what great friends the scoobies are by helping Buffy move out. Of course, Anya doesn't want any part of this: "But we just helped her move this stuff in a few days ago! (sees Buffy) And it was fun! And while she is less than thrilled, Giles takes on my traditional role when helping people/myself move: "I see myself in a patriarchal sort of role. You know, a lot of pointing and scowling." (this is why my sister hated me for wanting to move my two heavy bookshelves and dresser) 

Tara then makes me fall in love with her even more by acting completely like me. The gang are talking about superpower bitch and say that they'll find her weaknesses so Buffy can get her next time to which Tara says: "Yeah, you learn her source and we'll introduce her to her insect reflection. (much quieter) That was funny if you've studied Taglarin mystic rites and are a total dork." 

 Don't worry, Tara. If I had a nickel for every time people didn't understand my references, I'd be rich. 

Tara leaves feeling embarrassed and passes by Willow. Seeing Tara left, Willow goes into the room and reminds everyone to be at the Bronze by 8. But none of them have any idea what for...

WILLOW: Tomorrow night! Tara's birthday!
BUFFY: Oh, right. Right.
ANYA: We have to bring presents, right? Birth is a present thing.
XANDER: I got something... picked out, yeah...
WILLOW: You all can still come, right? I mean, I know there's this new evil and all...
BUFFY: No, no, we can make it. I could definitely use a break from all this craziness.

Then, just after hearing about Willow's party for her lesbian lover, we switch scenes to a topless guy. 


Ben just got off his shift and is about to be greeted by an ugly demon man. However, before ugly demon man can make it over to Ben, he's stopped and taken away by superpower bitch. 

Now at the Magic Box, Anya now has meaning to her life: 

ANYA: They come in, I help them, they give us money in exchange for goods, you give me money for working for you... I have a place in the world now. I'm part of the system. I'm a workin' gal.
GILES: Yes. Well why don't you start organizing the shipping orders?
ANYA: No, that's boring, I just wanna do the money parts. 

Buffy and Xander walk in discussing how they forgot about Tara's birthday party. But they both agree to be there, barring any monsters, because it's important to Willow.

They begin searching to figure out superpower bitch's identity but they don't have much to go on besides Buffy's helpful description of "she was kind of like Cordelia" and "I think she dyes her hair." They begin searching through books and stay completely focused on the task at hand.

BUFFY: So what'd you get her?
BUFFY: Tara. You said you had a present already.
XANDER: Yeah. That was a tangled web of lies, sweetie. I'm not really sure what kind of thing she'd... I mean I don't really know her that well.
BUFFY: I know.
XANDER: I mean she's nice --
BUFFY: Yeah yeah! Nice nice. I just sort of...
XANDER: I don't necessarily 'get' her. But she's real nice!
BUFFY: Oh yeah. There's that thing, you know.
XANDER: That thing.
BUFFY: That thing of not understanding...
XANDER: Half of what she says?
BUFFY: As for example. A lot of... not understanding. But she's so nice.
XANDER: You betchya.
BUFFY: You think there'll be a lot of wiccans at the party? Big wiccan crowd?
XANDER: That's sort of her deal. Her and Willow are all... wiccie. Swinging with the wiccan lifestyle.
BUFFY: Which is cool.
XANDER: Oh yeah.
BUFFY: I just hope we fit in. Not awkward.
XANDER: With Willow, it's like she's got this whole new thing in her life, but she's still Willow, I can always figure her out. But Tara, I just know she likes Willow, and she already has one of those. 

I love Xander's last line. This whole Tara thing must be difficult for them. Unlike with Oz, they didn't know Tara until she was dating Willow and they have nothing really in common with Tara yet. Let's draw a venn diagram in order to show why the disconnect is occurring, shall we: 

Here is a venn diagram representing Buffy and Xander vs. Willow. As you can see, they have a lot of overlap because they're friends and have a lot of history together. The only real things that separate them are their sexualities and the fact that Xander and Buffy are muggles. But for Buffy and Xander vs. Tara

For this venn diagram, the only real overlap is the fact that all three love Willow (hopefully in different ways, although I would totally understand if they all loved her the way Tara does.)

Buffy claims to be getting a present buying headache from this stress so Xander recommends she go train and work off some of the tension. Cue transition to her and Spike beating each other bloody. And then, something weird happens...

Spike was thinking about Buffy while sleeping with Harmony

Back in reality, Giles asks Buffy and Xander if they found anything yet. They mention candles and other things that make no sense to Giles since he's obviously referring to information about superpower bitch's identity and they are talking about Tara's gift. Giles then shares how "profoundly stupid" he thinks they both are for being in a magic shop and not knowing what to get Tara. Seriously, guys, this is pretty dumb of you not to consider looking around your current location and finding a gift. 

Drunk guy enters the scene and asks like a moron. Everyone is confused until Tara and Willow walk in and drunk guy says "what's the matter, you don't have a hug for your big brother?"

Can't you see the family resemblance? 

Drunk guy (or Donny) continues to be a huge jerk and makes snide remarks about Tara in front of her friends. Then her dad and cousin Beth come in to join in the let's-emotionally-abuse-Tara party. Her dad asks Tara to have dinner and then leaves promptly because he's a huge jerk double parked. 

Buffy returns home to Riley where they exchange some dirtiness about owing favors and outfits when Dawn cockblocks interrupts to inform everyone that she's going to a friend's for dinner and Buffy freaks the hell out. It's quite understandable why she'd freak out, I mean with a bad of an influence as this Melinda seems to be...

Riley questions Buffy's reaction. He agrees with her though that "a lot of young people nowadays are experimenting with shortness" and that we've "gotta nip it in the bud." Poor Buffy can't explain to him that she can't let Dawn go out because she's a big bundle of energy. Awkwardness ensues because Riley is hurt by her reaction, thinking she's just keeping this from him. This is a no win situation, really. Buffy thinks keeping this secret is right but it's just destructive.

Speaking of destructive, Tara walks into her dorm to see her dad there, starring at her "toys" and commenting on how she "doesn't even try to hide it anymore." Get your mind out of the gutter, guys, he's talking about magic. Her dad explains that they came because she's almost turning twenty which means something terrible will soon occur, but we don't know what. He tells her that she's going home with him and the world gets sad.

He talks complete nonsense commenting on how her friends "think [she's] human" and then begins talking about her evilness: 

MR. MACLAY: Tara, you can't control what's going to happen. You're my daughter and I love you but you are a demon. You have evil inside you and it will come out. And letting yourself work all this magic is only gonna make it worse. Where do you think that power comes from?
TARA: I... it doesn't feel... evil. Sir.
MR. MACLAY: Evil never does.

This dialog is so interesting because, as we've noted previously, Joss has a running metaphor of magic being used to describe sexuality. Here we see Tara's dad discussing how she has evil inside of her to which Tara comments saying that it doesn't feel evil and he responds saying that evil never does. On the surface, this conversation is about her being a legit demon, apparently, but the subtext is so much greater with her being evil and a figurative demon rather than a literal one. Poor Tara is trying so hard to be good and do the right thing and he's telling her that what she's doing is evil and she's just refusing to see it. 

Poor Tara...

Willow comes back and they have a fight. Willow wants Tara to join in the scooby meeting and they can try the demon locating spell again (remember, the one that Tara sabotaged back in the last season?) Tara says no and when Willow pushes she says that her family's in town and "not everything is about [Willow's] friends." Ouch...Tara tries to backtrack but the damage is already done. 

Alone once more, Tara gathers material and goes creepin' around the Magic Box and conducts a spell of her own. 

We next see who other than Riley enjoying the ambiance of a demon bar. What the heck is going on here? Luckily, when he gets hit on by a vampire he declines the offer. At least we won't have to worry about him turning to any vampires for some lovin'...

Next Harmony enters Spike's crypt and tells him of the plans that I neglected to mention (oops) about the ugly demon man being recruited by superpower bitch to kill the Slayer. Spike leaves under the notion that he wants a "decent seat" to watch if the Slayer's going to die. 

Back to Tara, we see her leaving the Magic Box and running into Giselle cousin Beth. Tara tells Beth that she's not coming back and she calls her a selfish bitch. Oh snap! But don't worry, Beth informs Tara that they'll soon see unless she did a spell on them...uh-oh, apparently Tara's spell was to keep them from seeing the demon side of her. For some reason, I doubt a spell causing the Slayer and her friends not to be able to see demons is a bad thing...

Aaand I'm proven right. Ugly demon man walks on into the Magic Box without anyone noticing him. He makes his way to Buffy who screams for help after seemingly being attacked by nothing.

Luckily Spike comes in and helps fend off the demon and then becomes angry that he doesn't get acknowledged for his help. How funny. Next Tara comes in and helps direct Buffy to where the demon is and discovers the horribleness of the spell she's cast. She breaks the spell and Buffy kills the ugly demon man without anymore problems. 

And now here's a sad scene: 
TARA: I'm sorry... I'm s-so sorry...I w-was just trying to hide... the spell went wrong...
WILLOW: Tara, what...
TARA: I didn't want you to see... what I am.
WILLOW: What you are?
MR. MACLAY: I told you, you try to run from it you'll put these people in danger. And, my God...
TARA: I didn't mean for anyone to get hurt.
BUFFY: I think you better explain. What do you mean, what you are?
MR. MACLAY: Demon. The women in our family have... demon in them. Her mother had it; it's where the magic comes from. This isn't something we generally like to share with strangers. We came to take her home before... well, before things like this started happening.
WILLOW: Tara, you're not... how could you not say something to me... to me...
GILES: You put a spell on us to keep us from seeing your demon side. That's why we couldn't see our attackers.
BUFFY: Nearly got us killed.
TARA: I'll go.(to everyone) I'm very sorry.
MR. MACLAY: The camper's outside.
WILLOW: Wait! Go? She just did a spell that went wrong! Buffy, it was just a mistake!
MR. MACLAY: It's not the point and it's not your concern. The girl belongs with us. We know how to control her problem.
WILLOW: Tara, look at me. I trusted you more than anyone in my life. Was all of that a lie?
TARA: No! No...
WILLOW: Do you want to leave?
MR. MACLAY: (to Willow) That is not your decision, young lady --
WILLOW: I know that....


Now after all of the epic adorableness, we have some funniness supplied to us by Anya

BETH: Well, I hope you'll all be happy hanging around with a disgusting demon.
Anya raises her hand.
ANYA: Excuse me. What kind?
BETH: What?
ANYA: What kind of demon is she? There's a lot of different kinds, some are very very evil, some have been considered to be useful members of society...
BETH: Well, I don't... what does it matter?
MR. MACLAY: Evil is evil.
ANYA: Well, let's narrow it down...

Spike comes to the rescue and solves the issue of whether or not Tara's a demon by punching her, which causes him pain, meaning that she's human. 

SPIKE: There's no demon in there. That's just the family legend, am I right? Bit of spin to keep the ladies in line? Oh, you're a piece of work. I like you.

And now we get to party at the Bronze! Riley joins Buffy, Tara tries to explain the hilarity of her insect reflection joke to Anya, and Willow takes Tara away to dance with her and I instantly die. 

WILLOW: Good birthday?
TARA: Best birthday.
WILLOW: I still can't believe you never told me about your family and all that.
TARA: I was just afraid if you saw the kind of people I came from... you wouldn't wanna be anywhere near me.
WILLOW: See? That's where you're a dummy. I think about what you grew up with, and then look at what you are... it makes me proud. It makes me love you more.
(Favorite Line)
TARA: Every time I... even at my worst, you always make me feel special. How do you do that?
WILLOW: Magic.


If you can watch this episode and not fall in love with Tara or here this last bit of dialog and not ship Willow/Tara, I don't understand you at all. 


Kali's Notes:
- I am with Tara and Sarah in the people not understanding my jokes department. I've grown accustom to explaining my obscure references or just laughing at myself. It's fun.
- I really love how Joss uses the metaphor of her family being conservative about her witchcraft for homosexuality. Her "family" is filled with real jerks that don't care to understand the person that Tara is, they only want to judge her based on certain aspects of her life. Especially her brother who should be wearing a helmet and riding the short bus. Or her dad that should be on Fox News with a sign that says "God hates queres!" (And yes, I spelled that wrong on purpose because I did in fact see that exact sign on the news).
- This episode has one of my all-time favorite Buffy moments. (Favorite line: We're family.) I really understand her here because there are people that I consider family and are of no blood relation to me. On the flip side, there are people that I am closely related to and wouldn't consider them my family more than a stranger on the street. I feel like Buffy was talking about Tara, but also partly thinking about Dawn here. She just found out the Dawn is really a ball of energy, but Buffy still considers her her sister.
- Lastly, I of course have to mention Spike. Nothing in particular to add, just needed to mention him. ;)

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