Monday, May 9, 2011

Season 4, Episode 5

"No Place Like Home"

We decided to do what we haven't done since Season One... a chat log during the episode! Yay!

Kali Waddilove: Ok, I'll count down to play..
Sarah Steelman: How exciting!
Kali Waddilove: Ready
Kali Waddilove: Set...
Kali Waddilove: Play!
Sarah Steelman: Men are running@!
Kali Waddilove: One has a really bad haircut
Sarah Steelman: Apparently they're running @ something!
Kali Waddilove: What language are they speaking?
Kali Waddilove: I wonder if they are wearing anything under those robes
Sarah Steelman: lulz
Sarah Steelman: Buffy really wanted piano lessons, really?
Kali Waddilove: Yeah, I don't see her having the patience for that
Sarah Steelman: Her fellow ravers haha
Kali Waddilove: I like how Buffy dresses for a rave when she goes slaying
Sarah Steelman: You always need to be prepared by looking hot
Kali Waddilove: Ooo, its a shiny glowy ball.

Sarah Steelman: it must be evil!
Kali Waddilove: You'd think it'd be hot to touch
Sarah Steelman: She better not drop it like it's hot
Sarah Steelman: Apparently we're in the 90's now
Kali Waddilove: Fucking Dawn
Sarah Steelman: Dawn was totally me as a child/yesterday...
Kali Waddilove: We can no longer be friends
Sarah Steelman: I'm sort of an idiot; it's not my fault no matter what my sister tells you!
Sarah Steelman: Poor Buffy wants a nickname. We should give her one
Kali Waddilove: Poor Buffy being sad that Dawn was a little pumpkin belly and she was nothing. When in reality Dawn was nothing until 2  months ago, ha
Sarah Steelman: Haha
Sarah Steelman: Spoilers!
Sarah Steelman: Giles outfit = HAHAHAHA

Kali Waddilove: Ha, I love Giles
Kali Waddilove: I love how just from Buffy's glare he takes the hat off.
Kali Waddilove: "Check out all the magic junk" "Our new slogan"
Sarah Steelman: I love that part
Kali Waddilove: Hand over fist, lolz
Sarah Steelman: I love when Buffy questions cliches
Kali Waddilove: It really doesnt make much sense
Sarah Steelman: It really doesn't
Kali Waddilove: Omg, I love Giles line
Sarah Steelman: "it appears to be paranormal in origin" "how can you tell?" "well, it's so shiny"
Kali Waddilove: LOLZ
Sarah Steelman: Again, Dawn is totally me as a kid. Why did my sister let me hang around her and her friends?
Kali Waddilove: Because she was forced to?
Sarah Steelman: Probably
Sarah Steelman: Willow's so hot
Sarah Steelman: "and why can't I ever be little pumpkin belly?!"
Kali Waddilove: Aww
Kali Waddilove: I love how Willow relates to Dawn because she was a spaz too
Sarah Steelman: I love how insanely hot Willow always is..
Sarah Steelman: "but you can call me man nurse, everybody else does" lulz
Kali Waddilove: I know how Buffy feels here, having to be the adult to keep everything together. Its sad
Kali Waddilove: And the doctors are dumb because Joyce should have had a CT Scan right away if she has been having headaches
Sarah Steelman: Dr. Waddilove is apparently on duty now
Kali Waddilove: I've seen enough doctors that I'm pretty qualified myself!
Sarah Steelman: Didn't she have an MRI? That would have been a good test too
Kali Waddilove: Not yet.
Sarah Steelman: Oh, am I completely ahead of where we actually are? lol
Kali Waddilove: Lols at Giles being excited about making money
Sarah Steelman: "the nightwatchman who found this thing went crazy over night"
Kali Waddilove: Oh hey look at this object that might be driving people crazy, lets continue keeping it around
Kali Waddilove: Buffy is like me. Come after me and whatever, but if you hurt my family I will rip your spine out
Sarah Steelman: Yeah, if I did that I'd end up hurting myself...
Sarah Steelman: And I love how we aren't talking about superpower bitch at all now
Kali Waddilove: So crazy superpower bitch is torturing a monk wanting to know where the key is.
Kali Waddilove: Apparently she lost hers and needs his copy
Sarah Steelman: She should go to walmart; that's where I got my toy story key made!
Kali Waddilove: Or call a locksmith
Sarah Steelman: I feel bad for this working dude =(
Sarah Steelman: But what the hell is he doing working in an abadoned building?
Kali Waddilove: Omg, she's losing her shit
Sarah Steelman: So she steals his mind and gets better.
Kali Waddilove: Yay for her
Sarah Steelman: "Do we! Do we? Oh, we do!" this is how I act at work; I don't know how I got hired lol
Kali Waddilove: "That's not candy"
Kali Waddilove: Ha, Xander- "Stay British, you'll be ok"
Sarah Steelman: please go just got replaced with have a nice day, ha
Kali Waddilove: Ha, I like Xander now
Sarah Steelman: Me too
Sarah Steelman: And that's how I gift wrap...
Kali Waddilove: Poor Buffy. She wants to believe that her mom has a spell on her or that something supernatural is hurting her because then she can fight it. When in reality Buffy knows that if its just something medical she can't fight it.
Sarah Steelman: All spells leave a trace. Now where have I heard that before...?
Kali Waddilove: And poor Riley too. He is no longer useful.
Sarah Steelman: "all prayin, no slayin" should be a slogan for some religion
Sarah Steelman: And I feel bad for Riley but he really irks me with his need to be all powerful. He's like Xander only with him not being comfortable taking on the "feminine" aspects of the relationship
Kali Waddilove: Aww, "How about we agree to take care of each other"
Kali Waddilove: I don't think he wants to be powerful, he just wants to feel like Buffy's equal instead of weaker than her
Sarah Steelman: "what are you doing?" "my boyfriend" LOL
Kali Waddilove: LOLZ!
Sarah Steelman: But why can't he be weaker than her? Everyone else is. I agree that their relationship has issues but I think that this need of his to be her equal just exagerates the issue
Sarah Steelman: And can we just all stop and freak out over the fact that Buffy correctly worked this spell?!
Kali Waddilove: I think she just dropped acid actually
Sarah Steelman: lol
Sarah Steelman: Well, Riley did tell her to have a nice trip
Kali Waddilove: Ha! It tastes like yellow!
Kali Waddilove: I'm not tripping mom, I'm fine
Sarah Steelman: It's very weird watching Buffy investigate while Harriet the Spy just stands there watching her instead of investigating herself
Kali Waddilove: LOL! I actually feel a little bad for Dawn here since she has no idea whats going on and Buffy just told her she's not her sister
Sarah Steelman: I feel bad too
Kali Waddilove: SPIKE!
Kali Waddilove: Of course his reaction to realizing he loves Buffy is to stalk her
Sarah Steelman: five words or less

Kali Waddilove: Out. For. A. Walk... Bitch
Sarah Steelman: and is stalking not the correct reaction?
Kali Waddilove: Only if you internet stalk them
Kali Waddilove: "And I never really liked you anyway...and... and you have stupid hair" lol!
Sarah Steelman: lol
Kali Waddilove: Dawn giving Joyce tea right here reminds me of the little girls in The Shining
Sarah Steelman: I never saw that...
Kali Waddilove: I'm not surprised, its slightly scary
Kali Waddilove: OOO, Buffy got bitch slapped
Kali Waddilove: Hand of Glory!
Sarah Steelman: Buffy is getting every square inch of her ass kicked!
Kali Waddilove: Hell yeah she is
Kali Waddilove: And superpower bitch is like "Huh, so you hit me. Totally doesn't hurt"
Kali Waddilove: I love how Buffy rescues the monk JUST in time for him to tell her crucial information and then die. How convienent. What is this Harry Potter? Ha
Sarah Steelman: Ha
Kali Waddilove: But at least we find out pretty early that Dawn is the Key, made by these monks so Buffy can protect her. It would have sucked to have to wait all season to figure out what she was
Sarah Steelman: That would have been horrible
Kali Waddilove: They should have made her a rock and hid her on the bottom of the ocean. Just like Voldemort should have done with his horcruxes
Sarah Steelman: He was really stupid with his horcruxes
Kali Waddilove: Totally
Kali Waddilove: Aww, Buffy is trying to be nice to Dawn now
Sarah Steelman: I know, I'm happy about that
Kali Waddilove: Dawn is less annoying when Buffy is nice to her
Sarah Steelman: And now you feel bad for her because she's a bundle of energy
Kali Waddilove: Couldn't the monks have made her a less annoying bundle of energy tho?
Sarah Steelman: You'd think!
Kali Waddilove: Stupid monks
Sarah Steelman: At least she's a hot bundle of energy; that sort of makes up for it...
Kali Waddilove: Ew
Sarah Steelman: I know, she's not as attractive as Willow but she's not ugly
Kali Waddilove: Alright, so favorite line for the episode? Mine is definitely. "Out. For. A. Walk. Bitch."
Sarah Steelman: Hmm, I think mine's Giles' about it being supernatural in origin since it's so shiny
Kali Waddilove: Ha, yeah that ones good. Xander has a couple good ones too.
Kali Waddilove: This episode isn't too great, but it wasnt definitely necessary to have an exposition episode to explain all this crap about Dawn and the superpower bitch.
Sarah Steelman: Yeah, it has some funny moments in it.
Kali Waddilove: Well, I think that's all unless you have anything to add?
Sarah Steelman: Have I mentioned that Willow's amazing yet?
Sarah Steelman: Buzz what? lol
Kali Waddilove: I dunno, but it was a button so I pushed it to see what would happen LOL
Sarah Steelman: LOL
Kali Waddilove: Ok, we're done now.

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