Friday, December 31, 2010

Episode 11: Out of Sight, Out of Mind

This post is extremely late because I had a bunch of irritating things keeping me away from my computer today. However, you all now have the absolute pleasure of reading a post that I am writing at 2am. Hopefully it makes some form of sense...
This episode deals with the awesome idea that it is possible for people to actually become invisible when they are ignored long enough. How Giles explains it to the scoobies is through physics, saying that it's said that perception creates/shapes reality. I absolutely love this idea because, against what my Philosophy 101 instructor believes, I don't agree that an absolute truth exists and instead believe that we all create our own reality through perception. Honestly, I don't think about stuff that often because I'm non-religious and I pretty much don't care either way about issues pertaining to religion, but I think it's pretty silly for us to believe that there is some ultimate answer to life. Everyone has their own glasses in which they view the world and it shapes their reality. Going along with what I believe, I think it's awesome that this episode sort of takes this concept and shows the damage it can cause.
Marci, who will from now on will be referred to as Invisible Girl, was pretty stupid. In the flash back scenes, we only see her trying to join awkwardly into conversations with the popular group which is insane. I sort of view Invisible Girl and a version of what Willow could have been. Much like Invisible Girl, Willow is not popular but the difference is that Willow knows this and doesn't attempt to be something she's not. By trying to join the plastics popular group, Invisible Girl is playing the victim in my eyes. She knows that she will not be accepted so she proves to herself that no one notices her by attempting to be noticed by the group that is least likely to ever notice her existence. On the other hand, Willow made friends with Xander and Buffy and others that were more on her level and didn't sulk over the fact that she wasn't best buds with Cordy.
So basically, I pretty much have no sympathy for Invisible Girl and I think that she made all the wrong choices. High school is a difficult place and the only way to make it out alive is to understand yourself and be confident in who you are. It's a long process for most and sometimes takes decades to achieve but the work should start early. Invisible Girl let herself fall through the cracks by trying to achieve what she knew she never could be and therefore believing that she had nothing else to exist for, basically. That's pretty sad and pathetic.
Now, I'm going to discuss another major character in this episode and then just start listing my notes because I'm too tired to created proper sentences they are pretty funny for this episode. Cordelia is really interesting in this episode and it is actually the start of how I was able to start liking her. She still is really mean, but you see another side to her and you learn that she hides her true self pretty thoroughly. I think her true character is actually really awesome and the front she puts up was how she survived high school. It sucks and I wish, like Invisible Girl, she could just stay true to herself. However, I think her life to Buffy best sums up why she didn't fight being popular: She told Buffy being alone when surrounded by people is better than being all alone by yourself. Not saying she's right with this, but it does show that she notices how people around her act and understands that everyone believes she has it best. It sort of makes me feel bad for her, much more than Invisible Girl. And this is why Cordelia is my favorite character on Angel (until Fred comes.)
And now, here are my notes in list form:
-How short is Harmony’s shirt?!
-“My eyes are hazel, Helen Keller” lolz
-She’s acting like moaning Myrtle giggling at naked boys in the bathroom. Only Myrtle doesn’t beat boys with bats, she just tries to look at their penis.
-C for Cordelia? Harmony is so stupid.
-And now Willow has juice again, how adorable
-“There are no dead students here..this week”
-Poltergeist? Peeves is at Sunnydale?!? Is this where he went when he was left out of the HP movies? Interesting…
-Did anyone else think that Harmony was gay in the first season? I was convinced that she was in love with Cordelia. And btw, when I went to Sunnydale I fell down those stairs, too.
-Cloaks of invisibility for the gods? Actually, Xander, Death owned it but he gave his to one of the three brothers and it became one of the deathly hallows [/HP reference]
-I feel like Buffy should have better Slayer instincts and know that there is a knife by her head while she’s snooping.
-I love how clueless Giles is; when I was in middle and high school everyone wrote HAGS (aka Have a Great Summer) I HATED whenever anyone wrote that in my yearbook.
-"I don't actually recall seeing you here before" “Oh no, I have a life” lolz, way to be blunt
-This part freaks me out so much because I am terrified of sharp objects. Like I can barely keep my eyes open to watch the end of this episode.
-Buffy’s right, those guys are very creepy.
-It must be very hard for the teacher to learn everyone’s name in this class...

Favorite Line: “Color me totally self-involved”- Cordelia
-Sarah =)

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